Princess Rachel and Mohamed
Of Princesses
Most little girls, when they are very young, like to play house, take care of their dollies, and most of all, they love to dress up in old finery; long forgotten by its original owner, the cast-off clothing takes on new life in the mind of little girls as they pretend that they are grand princesses who hold high tea (really it's water) with a fine gentleman or an elegant lady (teddy bears and dollies serve this purpose quite nicely).
I never could get into the princess part. I didn't want to be in a castle, but I did dream of fine dinner parties, candle-lit ballrooms, and a bit more, well, in charge.
As I flipped through some of our art resource books in the library at work today, those childhood dreams came flooding back. Images of grand parlors, inaugural balls, and the stately decorum of the Capitol building gently settled into my consciousness.
Having actually been there a couple of times, it wasn't hard to close my eyes and actually feel the wind on capitol hill, hear the pigeons, and remember the feeling of seeing my first protestor.
Yes, I love DC.
I know it's one of the most dangerous cities in the US, and I know that if you're not a criminal, you're probably a crook. Going over the history of our capitol, though, and discovering the things that are there makes me want to find a roomate, pack up and move tomorrow.
At the very least, I caught myself planning to spend a week there if I don't make it to PHC this fall.
But enough of that...I have more important things to speak of: namely, our wimpy press.
Freedom of the Press
I know, it's nothing new. In fact, it's as old as the Nixson administration. I just can't understand, though, how it is that out of thousands of employees, not one columnist, editor, or reporter has had the guts to republish the crazy mohamed cartoons.
First, let me say that I think the muslims are reacting like so many international four-year olds. There is absolutely no good going to come of burning, pillaging, rioting, and otherwise making a scene.
Finally, I shall also add that I find all but maybe TWO of those cartoons actually amusing. The others are either quite sobering, or downright boring.
I'll identify my worries.

This one was actually quite cute. Offensive? Hardly.

This one could be adopted as a national symbol. It's kind of neat looking. But I guess that shows how much I know about Muslim sentiments.

Now THIS one was funny. Truly worth a laugh or two, with a nice message behind it - just like a good political cartoon.

I don't know why, but I found this one amusing too. The women can see, and the men can't. So HA!.

Yeah guys, chill out, ok already?

Ah yes. Bombhead.
I like it. And it's accurate. Muslims are always so proud of their suicide bombers. They go on the internet and claim them with pride. They make tapes without subtitles and drive each other into religious frenzies over the celebratory acts of their comrades.

Ok, even though I haven't the foggiest as to what the "orange" is doing there, it induced a giggle.
Why, O why...
... can't we all be more like this:
"Ok class. The topic of tonight's discussion is going to be the constitutionality of throwing the SuperBowl refs into Lake Michigan."
Til next time...
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