Monday, March 21, 2005

Brevity is the soul of wit...

So these shall be brief...

1. Terry Schavio's legislation is yet another example of unecessary, but forced government intervention. Government cannot intervene where the people will not permit, yet the people have now permitted, and Congress has now interevened. Terry Schavio's case is indeed an unfortunately sympton of the illness present in our society, yet who is supposed to take care of that illness? Certainly not the government. Perhaps I have made a mistake. This topic will likely reappear on this blog.

2. ANWR nuts are really just, well, nuts. Barring any and all international implications, it does seem that Congress is determined to assert US rights over the Alaskan domain. How they do it and when they do it is still left to speculation. But I say: it's about time.

3. Kim Jong is like a six year old with a loaded M16. He knows he dangerous, but doesn't know when to quit. Despite all the militants who would love for the US to simply waltz in and take him out too, I think we can quietly wait this one out. Proverbs actually says something along these lines...Something about negotiating with fools?

4. Umbrella of vaccination? While I appluad the elimination of a dangerous illness, I remain a cautious skeptic of vaccinations. Are they as necessary for national health as we think they are? And are they really as safe for the women and young girls who take their injection as we would like to believe? (hmm, perhaps another blog topic up-coming)

5. Amazing the types of things China will report...Rather reminds me of Woodrow Wilson and his mistress. The British Ambassador at the time was said to have remarked: "She was so surprised when he proposed. She fell out of bed." What goes around comes around, eh?

History tests should be multiple choice and no longer than an hour.

Spring break is a beautiful concept.


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